HOW TO GET AN IDEA ACROSS? One great example is Emma Watson’s speech on “He For She”


Emma Watson, an actress who built an immense global fan-base through her role in the Harry Potter series, is now in her new role as UN Women Global Goodwill Ambassador.

Her talk in New York on 20 September officially launched the “He For She” which aims to involve men in the mission to tackle gender inequality and discrimination.

She described how she has come to recognise herself as a feminist through the achievements in her own life, where she should expect to be treated the same as her male counterparts. Emma Waston invited men to speak up for their “daughters, sisters and mothers”, to participate in this essential fight for equality saying: ‘we don’t often talk about men being imprisoned by gender stereotypes.’ But, she argued, they are.

Watson closed her speech with another invitation. “I am inviting you to step forward, to be seen to speak up, to be the ‘he’ for ‘she’. And ask yourself if not me, who? If not now, when?”

Emma and other actors, athletes, authors and musicians are now using their influence to raise awareness of the issues faced by victims of poverty and inequality worldwide.

This speech has now been seen by more than 1.5million viewers.

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